Sunday, March 14, 2010

Leaders lose the right to...

Leadership at all levels requires that the leader be aware of his or her responsibilities to those whom they lead. You are not an individual contributor, but one of the collective, with the responsibility of leading a team to achieve specific results. While working for a fortune 500 company all leaders were distributed the following reminder:

As a leader you lose the right to:
…not matter
…equate success with your individual performance
…select who you will or will not take input from
…blame someone else
…hide behind your title
…use time as an excuse not to do it
…not be candid, open
…be right all the time
…have your friendship with co-workers influence your decisions
…act like you know everything
…stay in your comfort zone
…not listen to your people
…be a Monday morning quarterback
…say "that’s the way we’ve always done it"
…sit in a meeting doing blackberry/e-mail and be disengaged
…take it personally
…not be engaged every moment of every day
…not be involved in your community
…not have everyone you touch know that they matter
…give up
…have someone else set your possibilities
…intimidate or be self-righteous
…hang on to old baggage
…make excuses
…be negatively critical
…opt out
…place yourself in the first position
…abdicate your responsibilities
…hold grudges

As a leader it is very important that you continually assess your leadership, and how you are being perceived by the people you lead. Failure to do so can have a dramatic effect on whether anyone follows you.

Can you add to this list?

Is there anything on this list that you feel you need to work on?

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