Saturday, March 27, 2010

Leadership Revealed

Recently, our family suffered through a very difficult time. It was a situation that I had never experienced before and I was tempted to fix it my way. After praying about the matter it was extremely clear that I needed to resist the temptation to impose my will to resolve the situation. It was one of the best decisions I have made this year. As a leader, especially in your home, it is especially important that when you are facing any crisis or problem you take a step back to define the problem, and realize that it is not always about you. By seeking to understand what the issues were I gained a better understanding about what was going on and how I could support my family.

As a leader, you should be aware that someone is always watching you and observing how you respond to the issues and challenges of life. If you take your leadership seriously this is a tremendous responsibility and one that is not to be taken lightly. One person that was watching how I responded was my wife. We were able to share some incredibly intense, open and honest conversations which lead to our mutual resolution on how we would address the crisis in our family. I believe she respected me before, but I know she really appreciated how I handled the matter.

As a leader in business and in your family it is important that you are consistent in your leadership. Many leaders are one way at home and someone totally different at their place of business. What you are at home should be reflected in who you are at work. That is true leadership!

The crisis continues, but we are dealing with it as a family and my leadership can make or break our home. When challenges come, true leadership is revealed.

Share with me a time when a difficult situation revealed your leadership.

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