Saturday, November 13, 2010

Leadership is more than a Title

During a Senatorial hearing on the Iraq war, a general was responding to one of our senators.  In answering her questions, he followed his military training and showed respect by always referring to her as ”ma’am.”  At one point during the hearing she stopped him and said, “Do me a favor.  Can you say ‘senator’ instead of ‘ma’am?’  It’s just a thing—I worked so hard to get that title.”  

Just because you have a leadership title does not make you a leader.  You may have the title and the responsibilities of a leader, but unless you recognize the importance of setting the proper example for those you lead, good luck with achieving real success.  Whether you are leading a business, a home or working in the community, setting the proper example instills the right behaviors.

While talking with a business owner who is struggling to maintain his business, he explained to me that he has lost his staff.  The primary reason for the loss is due to the fact that he did not know how to effectively lead people.  His past success came as an individual contributor and his lack of leadership skills has put his business in jeopardy.  Most of his problems come from his lack of setting the proper example for his team.  He is an owner, but not a leader.

As a leader you need to make sure that your team sees you effectively handling the affairs of the business.  Are you at work on time?  How do you communicate? How do you carry out your work?  Do you say what you are going to do and then do it?  These activities and character traits are the building blocks of respect and leadership.  In the end, if you have to remind people of your title, you may not be living up to it.

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