Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rock Solid Leaders vs. Wannabe Leaders

The communication style of leaders helps us distinguish rock solid leaders from the wannabe leaders.  Over the past two weeks, we have seen wannabe leaders on both sides of the political aisle.  We have been hearing a lot from leaders who care more about speaking in sound bites and spinning an argument rather than resolving issues and achieving consensus on an issue. 

Who and where are the rock solid leaders we need to extricate our country out of the morass of out-of-control spending and debt? 

When facing a problem, the great leader says, “Let's find out,” while the wannabe says “I have the answer, you just need to acknowledge it.”  We need rock solid leaders, not wannabes.  But what is the difference between a rock solid leader and a wannabe? 
  • Rock solid leaders listen more than they talk, while wannabe leaders can’t wait until you stop talking so they can say what they want to say.
  • Rock solid leaders know their strengths and weaknesses, while wannabe leaders are afraid to acknowledge their weaknesses.
  • Rock solid leaders place the needs of the organization and the people they lead first, while wannabe leaders are concerned more about what’s in it for them.
  • Rock solid leaders are accountable for their decisions, wannabe leaders look to place the blame on others.
Obviously, the above list is not comprehensive; you may have your own definition and list of distinctions between the two.  The main point here is that we need rock solid leaders who are willing to listen more than they speak and who are willing to be held accountable for their actions and the decisions they make.

How do you define a rock solid leader?

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